Thanks be to God, we are celebrating 19 years of marriage this year! We are continually marveling at the grace of God in our lives, often wondering why God is so good to us! How can we be so happy together, never wanting to separate? It remains a mystery to us, but we are grateful nonetheless.
We celebrated with a night away in the big city, complete with a Target snack run and ordering room service at the hotel! 🙂 We find ourselves getting old and enjoying resting in our hotel more than any other adventure, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

With our baby’s due date only 3 weeks away, we weren’t sure if we should go out of town- especially after an early morning scare at 37 weeks on the day. Everything calmed down on the labor front, so we were happy to get a chance to take one last night away before she arrived! 19 years of marriage with our 8th baby in my belly- I am a happy woman!
What a joy to be able to carry another precious life.
We finished the last of our anniversary celebrations several days later with dinner out, flowers (above), and a little last minute shopping!

Little did we know our sweet girl would arrive only 8 days later! 🙂

Here we are just 7 days later at the hospital: <3

It was a happy anniversary, indeed. 🙂