After teaching weightlifting (BODYPUMP) this morning, I filmed myself teaching for a new certification in BODYFLOW. Something about recording a video makes me nervous every time, even though I’ve been teaching fitness classes for years! Learning something new like a new exercise format is always challenging but exciting too. I loved being in school; I guess still love reaching a tangible goal to this day. 🙂
After teaching for nearly two hours straight, I grabbed a cup of coffee on the way home and made it until mid-afternoon for a somewhat celebratory steak dinner. It was fabulous. 🙂
On the way home, we stopped by the grocery store where I couldn’t resist purchasing eggnog (again). Eggnog is a common holiday drink in the U.S. that tastes like melted spiced ice cream. Every other year I have a craving to try it again, even though I’ve never ever liked it! ha. This year was the first time in my life that I not only found it drinkable, but wait for it… even tasty!
Lesson learned today? It’s never too late to try new things. 🙂
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