Celebrating my birthday felt more special than ever this weekend. My husband was able to drive and take me out for dinner and even insisted on bringing me coffee in the morning!
(He is still recovering from COVID and on oxygen at nights and when needed, and walking is exhausting for him!)
October ushered in a whirlwind of trial for us, but God spoke in the midst of it. One truth comforted me again and again:
Forever, O LORD, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.-
Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast.
By your appointment they stand this day, for all things are your servants. Psalm 119:89-91
All things are God’s servants. COVID is God’s servant. God is in control of COVID- all of it. He is in control of every molecule of my being and my husband’s and my children’s. And He holds ALL things together, every minute of every day. (Col. 1:17)
This was and is still so comforting to me! As a believer, I know that God has a good plan for me to work everything together for my good! (Romans 8:28) I can trust Him 100%. Even in the fiery trial that comes upon me.
(I wish I could say I never doubted Him even for a second, but even in my moments of fear, God was still so kind and good to me and gave me strength and fought the battle for me.)
As we celebrated my birthday on Sunday, I think we were celebrating even more than just another year of life. We were rejoicing in a God who is so kind to us, who allowed us all to recover from COVID and gave us sweet children who can decorate and cook and hold babies whenever needed.
This year brought me a deeper gratefulness for my husband and family and for God who works miracles and loves us through His church. I’m so (so!) thankful the outcome has been recovery for us, but also thankful for a God whose character never changes, no matter the outcome. He will always be the same; every year of my life, and for all eternity.
Turning 39 was good, because God is good.
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